Air Leak Detection Services
Small leaks that seem to be ignorable in compressed air systems are usually the cause for serious energy losses.
Our expert engineers are able to perform air leak audits in order to eliminate leaks in your operation and increase production outputs.
An example of energy loss caused by air leaking from a single tiny hole in your system can be seen below:
At hole size of 2 mm, an air pressure of 6 bar means an air loss of 0.257 m³ per minute:
0,257 m³/min x 60 min/hrs = 15,42 m³/hrs
15,42 m³/hrs x 8.760 hrs/year = 135.079,20 m³/year
135079,20 m³/year x (7 kW/(m³/min) / 60 (min/hrs)) x 0.15 €/kWh = € 2.363,89 €/year
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